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Lights! Camera! Action!
This Friday is the Flight Film Festival! In this issue you'll learn how to buy tickets to watch the films as well as how to participate in an online auction with proceeds funding the film program.
Take note that we still need volunteers to help with Film Festival and The Mystery of Edwin Drood which takes place the next weekend. Want to get an ad into the Edwin Drood playbill as well? It's due today, so don't delay!
With so many back-to-back events, you'll also notice an uptick in Sign-Up Geniuses in your email. I know it can be hard to keep up with all that's going on, but continue to read the enews and check the calendar for dates to make sure you don't miss out on a single opportunity this final month of school (yikes!)
Keep in mind we will be voting in a new 2024-2025 Board as well as celebrating at our last Guild meeting on Tuesday, May 7, so RSVP here to join us there!
Please support the educational and artistic pursuits of Booker T Film Students by bidding on silent auction items! Your financial support brings industry professionals into the classroom, helps fund Booker T Student Films, and the Booker T Film Annual "Flight Film Festival." Please take a look through the auction where you will find incredible offerings for your filmmaker, family, & friends. Consider the "buy now" feature and help us reach our silent auction fundraising goal of $3500.00. You can also make a direct donation to Booker T Film - look for the GREEN DONATE BUTTON at the top right of screen.
Bidding begins Sunday, April 21st @ 7 pm and runs through Friday, April 26th at the conclusion of the Booker T Film Festival. Once the auction closes, the highest-listed bidder for the item wins. Ready, Set, Bid!
We need concessions & FTK dessert donations as well as volunteers for the 2024 Flight Fest Film Festival. All concessions and merchandise sales benefit our amazing students and faculty! Please review the available slots on Sign Up Genius using this link.
Edwin Drood Volunteers Needed
We need concessions & FTK dessert donations as well as volunteers for the spring Musical Theatre production of Edwin Drood. All concessions and merchandise sales benefit our amazing students and faculty! Please review the available slots on Sign Up Genius using this link.
Do you want to buy an ad or use one of your membership benefit ads? This is our last Playbill of the 2023-24 school year.
Parents come hear a panel of senior parents discuss the college admissions and audition process for studies in various theatre arts. RSVP Here
Theatre Guild Scholarship Info
The application for the Louise Smith and Karon Cogdill Scholarships are now open for graduating Theatre Conservatory seniors intending to continue their study of the arts. Here is what you need to know about the Theatre Guild Scholarships:
Open to All theater and film track seniors
2.5 GPA
Pursuing theatre or film related studies at a college or conservatory
Complete application and 1 minute video answering the prompt.
We don't want to miss an appearance or accomplishment! We rely on our guild members to let us know where to spot a Pegasus in the wild. If your child is in a non-Booker T production, please let us know. Our talented kids are so busy we need your eyes and ears to make sure we get the word out. Please include viewing dates, ticket links and any other details that will help us spot a Pegasus in the Wild. Alumni are Pegasi as well so keep those tips coming in too!!!
Short films by two Booker T Theatre Conservatory seniors were selected to be screened at the third annual OK2BX Film Festival at the Texas Theatre on April14th. Congrats to Brock Elliot (BTW 2024) for winning the SmartPhone category with Chase Cavendish and the Idol of the Blinding Skull.
Over 100 films from around the world were submitted to the festival. Each submission went through a rigorous screening panel and ultimately six judges selected the final twenty films shown at the Festival, including Chase Cavendish and the Idol of the Blinding Skull by Brock Elliot (BTW 2024) and Self by Amara Meza (BTW 2024). Among the twenty selected shorts were films from Taiwan, China, Hawaii as well as Colorado, Florida, Louisiana and various schools around the DFW Area. Use these links to learn more about the OK2BX Film Festival and the OK2BX Foundation.
Choose Your Own Adventure: Spring Semester
Make sure to keep up with all the latest information from the official senior class webpage. All seniors will get 7 tickets to invite guests to the Meyerson Symphony Center for graduation at 8pm on May 25th.
You can keep up with all the Senior activities by checking the calendar in the Senior Cafeteria and stay even more up-to-date by using the senior class webpage.
Use this link to find all official Class of 2024 information from the school on the BTWHSPVA Senior Website
Call for artwork! Senior students can submit a Pegasus logo design through the PTSA website for a chance to be featured on the 2024 Baccalaureate program. Deadline for submissions is March 31st!
Summer Scholarships for current freshman, sophomores & juniors
The PTSA Summer Scholarship Program is open from March 1 - April 30! Students can apply for up to $500 toward an academic, performing or visual arts camp, intensive, workshop, class or lessons during the summer. Visit the Membership Toolkit for more on eligibility and the application process. Read the testimonials and FAQs for additional information. Contact Summer Scholarship Chair Kelly Martin with questions at
If you are the parent or guardian of a Theatre Conservatory student you are invited to join the individual class Facebook group for additional information & updates about everything that is going on at Booker T.
All Facebook groups are private and you will need to provide your BTW student's name and answer the questions in order for your request to join to be approved.