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Down to Business
We made it through the first week of school, and we are already down to business! If you haven't had a chance to log in to Membership Toolkit to renew for this year, please do. Active Theatre Guild members receive this newsletter every week and basic membership is free. I hope you will join us for our first General Meeting & Welcome Dinner on Tuesday, September 3 at El Fenix. Dinner is free to members this year! See the RSVP link below.
A little bit about our organization: The Theatre Guild is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a parent-driven Board. We are privileged to be one of the school's five charity partners. Our mission is to support the activities of the BTWHSPVA Theatre Conservatory, including the musical theatre and film tracks, through financial support and volunteer participation.
Therefore, we rely on our members to help sustain our efforts and maintain the incomparable reputation of our theatre program. Please keep a lookout for information about North Texas Giving Day (September 19) and other ways to support the guild with your generous time, talent, and treasure.
"Drama is very important in life: You have to come in with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama if it's done right. Even a pancake." - Julia Child
This is where you will find links to Guild volunteer opportunities in the future.
Parent Volunteers: Please make sure you create or renew your DISD VOLY profile so you're ready to volunteer. This is an easy process that ensures that all volunteers on campus are vetted.
Student volunteers: Can get service hours for helping out.
The 2024 All School Musical is directed by Theatre Conservatory Teacher Jeffery Miller. Fernando Hernandez is the choreographer and Geno Young is the Music Director. The All School Musical is produced by the Booker T Washington PTSA which means questions about On Your Feet! should be directed to the PTSA and you will find lots of helpful information on the All School Musical page on the PTSA Membership Toolkit website and in the PTSA newsletters. For example, the playbill for the All School Musical is not a Theatre Guild playbill and any feeding of the kids will be overseen by the PTSA.
Information for Theatre Seniors
On August 13th, the Theatre Conservatory held a meeting for seniors' families and shared information about the 2024-25 school year including YoungArts, Senior Showcase, as well as performance and audition opportunities. Here is a link to the slides that were shared with seniors' families.
Here are a few helpful links for navigating the college search and audition process for those kids pursuing theatre programs. These have been recommended by parents of BTW alums. These will also be posted in the private Facebook group BTW Theatre Guild Class of 2025 where you are encouraged to share your own recommendations/suggestions/experience with other Booker T. parents of seniors.
National Unified Auditions will occur in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles in January and February 2025. Twenty-five university theatre programs conduct auditions and interviews for admission over three weekends each held in a different city.
BFA Acting Dreams is a private Facebook group created as a place where the parents of high school students or high school graduates who are interested in pursuing a BFA, BA, or conservatory training in Acting can share experiences, ask questions, and lend support to each other.
Theater Tech Parents- High School to College is a private Facebook group for parents/friends of the kids who make "magic in the wings" in all things theater tech related (lighting, sound, props/costumes, set design, stage management, etc). The group is intended to help parents support kids as they navigate the college search process.
You can also find a compilation of Theatre Guild Parent advice in the College Tea Handout using this link.
The September meeting will be held at the Back to School Dinner on 9/3 at El Fenix.
The October Theatre Guild General Meeting will be on 10/8 following the PTSA meeting. The Theatre Guild plans to hold its meeting from 7-8pm in room 246/248.
We don't want to miss an appearance or accomplishment! We rely on our guild members to let us know where to spot a Pegasus in the wild. If your Pegasus is in a non-Booker T production, please let us know. Our talented kids are so busy we need your eyes and ears to make sure we get the word out. Please include viewing dates, ticket links and any other details that will help us spot a Pegasus in the Wild. Alumni are Pegasi as well so keep those tips coming in too!!!
NTPA's Hadestown
Cadence Diggs (2027) and Abby Miller (2025) will take to the stage in the NTPA production of Hadestown this coming week. Cadence is playing the role of Persephone and Abby is Eurydice.
You can spot Cadence onstage August 21 (7pm), 24 (1pm) and 25 (10pm). If you want to see Abby perform, she will be onstage August 22 (7pm), 23 (10pm) and 25 (6pm).
If you are the parent or guardian of a Theatre Conservatory student you are invited to join the individual class Facebook group for additional information & updates about everything that is going on at Booker T.
All Facebook groups are private and you will need to provide your BTW student's name and answer the questions in order for your request to join to be approved.