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Full Speed Ahead!
Our busy last week literally left me with no words! The One Act productions were fantastic and IABTD was a whirlwind meeting lots of new families and sharing our love for Booker T. Thank you to our tireless volunteers and staff members for all their work that day.
The events aren't stopping any time soon. This Friday you can watch our theatre kids shine alongside other conservatories at the Advisory Board's fundraiser, Flying Horse. Friends and family tickets are available here. Then on April 26, our film students will share their films at our spring Film Festival. See below how you can sign up to volunteer.
And last but not least, we have a May series of events and celebrations not to be missed. Please check out the calendar above and mark yours at home. Invitations and more details for the May events will be in the enews going forward as well as being sent by email.
We got to give a big Theatre style welcome to all of our new students and their families on Saturday, April 13th at I Am Booker T Day! We were excited to see some familiar faces and meet lots of new people! If you are a new family reading this, we are happy to know that you've found the enews. You can also follow the Theatre Guild's Facebook page and sign up for the BTW Theatre Guild Class of 2028 private Facebook group. Thanks to all of the Theatre Guild Board members that volunteered at I Am Booker T Day to welcome all of our new students and families!
Are you interested in joining the Theatre Guild Board for the 2024-2025 school year?
We need concessions & FTK dessert donations as well as volunteers for the 2024 Flight Fest Film Festival. All concessions and merchandise sales benefit our amazing students and faculty! Please review the available slots on Sign Up Genius using this link.
April 18th DEADLINE for Sustainable Costume Donations
The Intermediate/Advanced Costume Students are working on their final project of the year. Their topic is sustainability in costuming and the students are in need of some recyclable items:
Grocery store bags
Soda cans
Paper towel/bathroom tissue rolls
Old magazines
Large liter soda bottles
Old water gardening hose
Students may bring items to the costume shop or they can be dropped at the reception desk and labeled for Ms. Renee Jones.
Theatre Guild Scholarship Info
The application for the Louise Smith and Karon Cogdill Scholarships are now open for graduating Theatre Conservatory seniors intending to continue their study of the arts. Here is what you need to know about the Theatre Guild Scholarships:
Open to All theater and film track seniors
2.5 GPA
Pursuing theatre or film related studies at a college or conservatory
Complete application and 1 minute video answering the prompt.
We don't want to miss an appearance or accomplishment! We rely on our guild members to let us know where to spot a Pegasus in the wild. If your child is in a non-Booker T production, please let us know. Our talented kids are so busy we need your eyes and ears to make sure we get the word out. Please include viewing dates, ticket links and any other details that will help us spot a Pegasus in the Wild. Alumni are Pegasi as well so keep those tips coming in too!!!
Evan Katherine (EK) Cook (2027) been cast in The Core Theatre's production of Our Town as Wally Webb alongside Isabella Good (2027) as Rebecca. Core Theatre's production of Our Town which runs May 3rd - May 19th . Tickets can be purchased at this link:
Booker T students were amazing contestants at the recent NAACP ACTSO competition.
Music Instrumental Classical Gold – Derrick Howell (2027)
Music Vocal Classical Gold – Uma Friedmann (2026) Silver – Trinidee Lindsey (2027) Bronze – Leslie Peters (2026)
Music Vocal Contemporary Bronze – Sydney Thomas (2025)
Painting Gold – Roree Marshall (2026)
Playwriting Gold – Esau Price (2025) Silver – Aisha Kamara (2025) Bronze – Jada Wilson (2026)
Poetry - Performance Gold – Cadence Diggs (2027) Silver – Jada Wilson (2026)
Sculpture Gold – Roree Marshall (2026)
The gold medalist have each won an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas to compete at the National Convention July 11-14th.
Choose Your Own Adventure: Spring Semester
Make sure to keep up with all the latest information from the official senior class webpage. All seniors will get 7 tickets to invite guests to the Meyerson Symphony Center for graduation at 8pm on May 25th.
You can keep up with all the Senior activities by checking the calendar in the Senior Cafeteria and stay even more up-to-date by using the senior class webpage.
Use this link to find all official Class of 2024 information from the school on the BTWHSPVA Senior Website
Call for artwork! Senior students can submit a Pegasus logo design through the PTSA website for a chance to be featured on the 2024 Baccalaureate program. Deadline for submissions is March 31st!
The Advisory Board Senior Scholarship application allows you to apply for all AB scholarships you are eligible for in one application. Most scholarships fund tuition, room and board, books and other supplies. Scholarships are paid directly to the recipient's school. Recipients will be announced at the Senior Awards Ceremony in May. The deadline to apply is April 16 at 11:59pm (CST)
Summer Scholarships for current freshman, sophomores & juniors
The PTSA Summer Scholarship Program is open from March 1 - April 30! Students can apply for up to $500 toward an academic, performing or visual arts camp, intensive, workshop, class or lessons during the summer. Visit the Membership Toolkit for more on eligibility and the application process. Read the testimonials and FAQs for additional information. Contact Summer Scholarship Chair Kelly Martin with questions at
If you are the parent or guardian of a Theatre Conservatory student you are invited to join the individual class Facebook group for additional information & updates about everything that is going on at Booker T.
All Facebook groups are private and you will need to provide your BTW student's name and answer the questions in order for your request to join to be approved.