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With Gratitude
This past week left me with tired feet, black circles under my eyes and a heart filled with gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the annual College Showcase and especially the Theatre Guild. Working alongside our wonderful guild members and our amazing faculty filled me with joy. Seeing the Seniors sharing their talent and skill with awed college representatives and watching the faculty as they let them fly on their own after years of support was priceless. College representatives, new and returning, stopped volunteers to appreciate their hospitality, to marvel at our unique school and to compliment our talented students and the way they support each other and share a special camaraderie they don't see anywhere else.
This weekend was non-stop for our seniors, junior buddies, staff and volunteers and I hope they and their families have time this week to relax and recharge with loved ones. If you were unable to be a part of College Showcase this year, have no fear, it all happens again November 22-23, 2024. I truly appreciate everyone who gave their time and/or resources to make this year's College Showcase a success.
Guinea Bennett-Price, Lisa Cotie, Charlton Gavitt, Jeffery Miller, Renee Jones, Max Overton, Phil Vilar and Tonya Holloway made sure our kids had the tools to be successful. Trenton Williams filmed our students for the virtual showcase. Donors of funds and goods filled important gaps for a successful showcase. Donors of time made sure the days ran smoothly by supporting our faculty.
Thank you to the Board Showcase Committee Members and Senior Committee Members for supporting the Conservatory leading up to and during College Showcase!
Booker T Improv at Stomping Ground Comedy
Students from Improv class will perform Saturday, November 25 at Stomping Ground Comedy as part of Don't Mess with Improv (Student Edition). The show will feature Booker T. Seniors Sylvia Buckner, Quincy Foster, Mars Johnson, Cross Ruiz, Jude Segrest, Samantha Thompson, as well as Juniors Meagan Murphy, Esau Price, Da'Marion Gipson, Charles Brandon, and Xen Riley.
Every December, Booker T. connects with the community for the holidays! The Student Council hosts a special holiday event at H.I. Holland Elementary School for five families to share a memorable holiday experience. STUCO and PTSA plus the guilds donate gifts from an "Angel Family" wish list. Theatre Guild is supporting a family of 8 this year. More event details to follow after the break.
To see our Angel Family's Amazon Wish List, click here Family Wish List
To volunteer at the culminating event, click here Angel Volunteer
Nov 20-24 Fall Break (No School)
Nov 27 Deadline to submit 10 minute Playbill Ads
Nov 30-Dec 1 Auditions African American Heritage Show
Dec 5-8 Ten-Minute Play Festival
Dec 9 Holiday Party
Dec 22 End of Fall Semester
Dec 25-Jan 8 No School Student Holiday
Jan 9 Start of Spring Semester
Jan 9-12 YoungArts Week (by invitation only)
Jan 22-24 Auditions for Paul Baker New Plays Festival