SUBJECT: Theatre Guild eNews - May 10TH - Welcome New Families; End of Year Meeting; All Things Seniors 🥳🎓
May 10, 2022
Welcome New Families,
I would like to personally thank you all for applying and completing the process of auditioning for the Theatre Conservatory. You are joining this world of wonderfuls at a very special time. We will be celebrating 100 years in this space for your entire first year. Two Schools…One Story will be the theme and we will all be the bridge between our legacy- filled past, present and future.
Our theatre faculty is honored that you are trusting us with your students and excited to partner with you on ensuring their growth and development meets and often exceeds expectations. Booker T. Washington HSPVA is near and dear to my heart because not only am I a 1989 graduate, but my eldest child is a 2018 graduate and my youngest will matriculate in 2025. I returned to my alma mater in 2014 to teach because I believe the arts magnet experience is life-enhancing and rewarding beyond measure. Talk to any graduate and you will hear phrases like “this school saved my life”, “I found myself at Arts”, “I still work with some of the people I met here” and “Because of Booker T creativity is in everything I do. I hear these words from Alumni from the 1930’s to the 2000’s and I’ve said them myself. Arts Integration has been at the forefront of the curriculum in this particular building from the beginning. In 1976 when we opened as an arts high school, we merely continued a tradition and built on a foundation of community and excellence that can still be felt in these halls and through the works of our graduates all over the world.
Know that the process of creating and inspiring artists sometimes involves disappointments. And know that at Booker T opportunities are plentiful. Trust us as we work to develop the ensemble of the theatre conservatory by investing in each student’s individual journey. We want to be aligned with the feelings and needs of parents and students while observing healthy boundaries and mutual respect. We ask that you bring any questions, issues or concerns you may have over the four years directly to us. We can function best as a conservatory if we all apply some basic theatrical practices that keep everyone transparent and progressive. Some of those include but are not limited to: “Say yes, and….”, simply put, don’t resist the process. “Save the drama for the stage”, personal issues can be resolved or diffused by fully investing in the work. “Listen more than you talk” And above all else, “trust the process”. For the process is the crucible in which precious metals are made to shine.
Guinea Bennet Price and the Theatre Conservatory Faculty
Tuesday May 10, 2022. 6:00PM
The Canvas Hotel Dallas 1325 Botham Jean Boulevard, DallasÂ
Short final business meeting, including voting on Guild Board for 2022 - 2023. Â After the business meeting, we will head to the rooftop, take in the view, and celebrate a year of Connecting & Re-connecting! Â Light appetizers provided. Â Cash bar.
We are excited to announce that the Dance and Visual Arts Guilds will be joining us for an End of the Year Mixer on the Canvas Hotel Rooftop. Wonderful opportunity to meet your fellow BTW parents from other conservatories!
On May 7, the Booker T Washington mock trial team placed  5 out of 46 at the 2022 National High School Mock Trial Championship.  Additionally, Abby Chapman was named one of the top ten lawyers in the country. The Texas courtroom artist Alessia Chavez-Flores (Creekview High in Carrollton, TX) came in second place in the courtroom artist category. Â
The seven members of the mock trial team competing at Nationals were led by co-captains Abby Chapman & Zoë Gameros, who along with sophomore Isabel Gameros, previously competed at Nationals in 2021. First year mock trial team members include junior Claire Taylor, sophomore Jude Segrest and freshmen Maxine Louthan and Erin Mansour. The National case materials were released on April 1st and the team begin preparing by analyzing exhibits, pleadings and witness statements in order to craft arguments for both the plainiff and defense sides of the case. This is an unscripted competition meaning that lawyers and witnesses alike must not only know all of the pertinent facts and legal arguments, they must also be able to react to whatever the opposing team does. By the time Nationals began, the team had completed 12 scrimmages against other state champions. During Nationals, all team members participated in four preliminary rounds held over three days, switching between plaintiff and defendant each round sometimes with very little notice.
Satchel Victory serves as the faculty sponsor and Abby Mathews as the attorney advisor. This year Bill Gameros acted as second chair assisting Ms Mathews throughout the season. Co-chair of the Texas High School Mock Trial Competition, Steve Gwinn provided additional legal counsel during Nationals. Ron Chapman arranged for the team to compete from the law offices of Ogletree Deakins. Â Beth Chapman assisted with logistics throughout the season and arranged team meals during Nationals. Â Financial support and/or team meals were generously provided by the BTWHSPVA Advisory Board, the PTSA, Dr Scott Rudes and BTWHSPVA, Â Dallas Bar Association and Theatre Guild President Rhonda Thompson. Â
Senior Corner
Please note that details or event dates may change so you should refer to the link to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information about all things Senior.
Theatre Guild Senior Awards Dinner Date: Thursday May 19 Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Location: The Commons at BTWHSPVA
All Theatre Conservatory seniors are invited to join the members of the BTW Theatre Conservatory faculty in celebrating the class of 2022. Each senior may bring two parents or guardians. Please reach out to Kathy Gameros if any senior needs to invite more than 2 adult parents/guardians.
The Mediterranean dinner buffet will include vegetarian options and gluten free options. Unfortunately, due to space limitations we do not have room for additional guests or siblings. Â Â
MAY 14 SENIOR SWIM PARTY Â 5:30 - 7:00pm See Senior Page for DetailsÂ
MAY 16 SENIOR vs FACULTY Volleyball Game 4:45pm @ Commons
MAY 17 SENIOR LU'AUÂ 10:00am-Noon @ Green Room
MAY 19 THEATRE Guild Dinner & Awards 6:30pm @ Commons
MAY 20 SENIOR Breakfast 8:30am @ Sammy's BBQ
MAY 28 JUNIOR/SENIOR PROM - "MET GALA: Enchanted Through Time" 2616 Commerce Event Center in Deep Ellum from 7:30pm – Midnight Tickets on sale May 9th - May 20th Â
MAY 31 - BACCALAUREATE * (Sponsored by BTW PTSA) 7:00pm @ First United Methodist Church Seniors - Please arrive in your caps, gowns, tassels, and cords by 6:15pm
JUNE 1 - Graduation Rehearsal Time TBA @ The Meyerson Symphony Center
JUNE 1 - Â GRADUATIONÂ Â 7:00pm @ The Meyerson Symphony Center (Line-up begins @ 6:15pm)
Make sure to also join the class of 2022 Theatre Guild page!
Seniors & their parents are also invited to join the Theatre Guild Private Facebook group BTW Theatre Guild Class of 2022. This group will be used to provide information to seniors specifically for the Theatre Conservatory.
Link to a variety of Summer PAIDÂ Internship opportunities in and around the DFW area. Â Most require a minimum age of 16-years-old and be a returning Booker T. student for Fall 2022
Over Spring Break, take a few minutes to send in your photos taken of Theatre Conservatory students this school year (2021-2022)
Guild is collecting photos of Theatre Conservatory students to keep in a centralized location accessible to our Theatre Community.Â
If you took or have photos from Booker T. Theatre Conservatory events and performances you are willing to share, would you forward them to Guild Board Member Aletha Kruse at: alethamkruse@gmail.comÂ