SUBJECT: Theatre Guild eNews - March 1st - Too Much to List! - Come Inside to See 🌟 🤩
March 1, 2022
March 7 - 10, 2022 - 7:00 PM - Black Box Theatre. Admission donations can be paid at the door.
HE LOVES ME NOT written by Amaris Burleson and directed by Mr. Gavitt
HIGH DEFINITION written by Kennedy Eagleton and directed by Ms. Price
PANDORA'S BOX written by Isabella Ehring and directed by Ms. D'Avignon
FOLLOWING THE LEADER written by Olivia King and directed by Ms. Reyes
IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SMALL written by Mylo Mittman and directed by Mr. Ross
THE BLUE MOON written by Jae Smallwood and directed by Mr. Miller
Thursday, March 10, 2022. 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Booker T.'s Visual Arts Conservatory is hosting a Visual Arts Market at Sammons Park (across from the school). Drop by and check out and purchase the amazing work of our Visual Conservatory students.
Take a moment too to drop by the Theatre Guild booth for news about upcoming Spring Activities, upcoming volunteer opportunities, to pick up Merchandise, and just to say Hello. If you'd like to volunteer to help set up or tear down the Theatre booth, please reach out to Rhonda Thompson via text: (214) 507-5122 or email:
March 29 - April 1 & April 5 - 8, 2022
Congratulations to our Senior Directing Class! Come out and celebrate and support our directors, crew, and casts of this annual and much beloved One-Act Plays Festival.
One-Act Play Festival Playbill Ads!
Support your ONE-ACT PLAYS FESTIVAL - SENIOR DIRECTING CLASS, Director, cast or crew member by submitting a "shout out" ad in the Playbill. The guild's playbill ad team can put the ad together for you.
Please order by March 5, 2022. Playbill orders or any questions can be sent to Guild’s Playbill Coordinator Elly Marsh directly at 214-632-7288 OR
Cast Application deadline is March 1, 2022. (see below for links)
Crew Application deadline is March 11, 2022. (see below for links)
Completed applications can be turned in to the Main Office to Mr. Williams or Mr. Doan-Stevens. All students, in all conservatories, are encouraged to audition to be part of the Cast of The Wiz! Be sure to check out the PTSA's All School Musical page. You can access theThe Wiz Cast Information & Application directly.
2022 is the bicentennial year of Booker T. Washington HSPVA. The school building was constructed in 1922. Classes were first held in October 1922 as the first African American high school in Dallas. Join Booker T. faculty, staff, students, school community and the greater Dallas community in celebrating the 100 years of Booker T.'s rich, historical and ground-breaking heritage . A schedule of monthly events below.
FLYINGHORSE. April 22, 2022
Flyinghorse is an annual performing arts fundraiser benefiting Booker T. for information. Sponsorships and Underwriting Opportunities available NOW.
Mock Trial team was named the winner of the 2022 DISD Competition. ðŸ†
On Friday February 25, the BTW Mock Trial team earned first place in the DISD Regional Championship with another UNANIMOUS decision. BTW will be advancing to the 43rd annual Texas High School Mock Trial State Competition on March 4-5 at the George S Allen Courthouse in downtown Dallas
We Want Your Theatre Photos!
Guild is collecting photos of Theatre Conservatory students to keep in a centralized location accessible to our Theatre Community.
If you took or have photos from Booker T. Theatre Conservatory events and performances you are willing to share, would you forward them to Guild Board Member Aletha Kruse at:
The official calendar of senior events has been released. Please note that details or event dates may change so you should refer to the link to the online calendar for the most up to date information about all things Senior.
CALENDAR OF SENIOR EVENTS Final Day of School for Seniors is MAY 20th
MARCH 30 Senior Panoramic Picture -- Wear you Senior Shirt! 9:00am @ MAT steps Line-up at 8:45am
APRIL 21 Senior Parent Meeting6:00pm @ Commons
APRIL 22 REQUIRED SENIOR ASSEMBLYPreparing for Graduation / Receive Sign-Out Sheet
MAY 2 - MAY 13 AP Exams
MAY 19 Seniors VS Faculty Volleyball Game * 4:45pm @ Commons *Signed Parent Consent form required and will be collected at entry of event for admission.
MAY 19 THEATRE Guild Dinner & Awards 6:30pm @ Commons
MAY 20 REQUIRED SENIOR ASSEMBLY 10:00am @ MAT Sign-Out Sheet turned in Cap & Gown Pick-Up Graduation Ticket Distribution **
MAY 28 JUNIOR/SENIOR PROM - "MET GALA: Enchanted Through Time" 2616 Commerce Event Center in Deep Ellum from 7:30pm – Midnight Tickets on sale May 9th - May 20th Prom RSVP Form (required to complete if attending) All Seniors attending the Prom must take a rapid COVID test at school on May 28th (regardless of being vaccinated). All guests attending the Prom must present a negative COVID test result at the door dated within 48 hours - NO EXCEPTIONS! (Booker T. does not provide rapid COVID test for guests.)
MAY 31 - BACCALAUREATE * (Sponsored by BTW PTSA) 7:00pm @ First United Methodist Church Seniors - Please arrive in your caps, gowns, tassels, and cords by 6:15pm *Signed Parent Consent form required and will be collected at entry of event for admission.
JUNE 1- Graduation Rehearsal Time TBA @ The Meyerson Symphony Center
JUNE 1 - 🎓 GRADUATION 7:00pm @ The Meyerson Symphony Center (Line-up begins @ 6:15pm)
Join the BTW Class of 2022 FB Page!
Seniors & their parents are invited to join the private Facebook group Booker T Washington HSPVA Class of 2022. This group will be used to provide information to seniors across all conservatories.
Make sure to also join the class of 2022 Theatre Guild page!
Seniors & their parents are also invited to join the Theatre Guild Private Facebook group BTW Theatre Guild Class of 2022. This group will be used to provide information to seniors specifically for the Theatre Conservatory.