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Last Week of School!
Seniors are already home, prepping for Senior Awards dinners and Baccalaureate and Graduation that take place this week. Underclassmen are finishing up with with half days Tuesday through Friday. I am reflecting on a year that I have been so grateful to spend as the Guild President.
Thank you to everyone has taken part in the Guild in any of the many ways available to you: being a member; becoming a sponsor; buying or designing a playbill ad; volunteering in person; donating concessions, water or dessert; buying merchandise; attending a meeting; purchasing show tickets; feeding the kids; making phone calls; following our social media accounts; joining the Board and more. Every effort your make to support the Guild allows us to better support our staff and students in the Theatre Conservatory.
Over the next few weeks, outgoing Board members will be handing over their responsibilities to our 2024-2025 Board members that were elected on May 7. Thank you to everyone who showed interest in joining the Board. If you were not elected to serve, please continue to volunteer with us next year. We can't do it without you!
Early Release: Tuesday May 21- Friday, May 24, 9-11th grade students are released at 2:20pm
ASM Singing Auditions: Tuesday May 21 & Wednesday May 22 from 2:45 - 4:30pm
Theatre Conservatory Senior Awards Dinner: Tuesday, May 21, 6:30pm Commons
ASM Dance Auditions: Thursday May 23 from 2:45 - 4:30pm
Last Day of School: Friday May 24th
Baccalaureate: Friday, May 24th from 7:00-8:30pm
Graduation: Saturday, May 25th 8:00pm
Volunteer for Theatre Guild Senior Dinner on May 21
The Theatre Guild is hosting a celebratory senior dinner in the Commons at BTW. 9th-11th grade students and parents are needed to volunteer in various capacities. Please use the link to review the available slots below and sign up.
Volunteers will report to Alicia Schortgen (214-673-9395) in the Commons at BTW at their selected time.
Students volunteers can get service hours for helping out.
Parent Volunteers: Please be sure you are registered for Voly with DISD. This is an easy process that ensures that all volunteers on campus are vetted.
The 2024 All School Musical will be directed by Theatre Conservatory Teacher Jeffery Miller. Fernando Hernandez will be the choreographer and Geno Young is the Music Director. The All School Musical is produced by the Booker T Washington PTSA which means questions about On Your Feet! should be directed to the PTSA and you will find lots of helpful information on the PTSA Membership Toolkit website and in the PTSA newsletters. For example, the playbill for the All School Musical is not a Theatre Guild playbill and any feeding of the kids will be overseen by the PTSA.
Audition information has been taken from the May 18th PTSA newsletter and the PTSA will have the most up to date information.
STUDENT INTEREST - All students interested in participating in the PTSA-sponsored All-School Productions must submit thisStudent Interest Form. Deadlines to submit this form will be announced for each production. Students interested in participating in the All-School Musical as cast, band, or crew must submit the Student Interest Form before auditioning or by May 19. Having no experience does not disqualify anyone. All students are encouraged to learn new skills of interest.The faculty leadership of all shows will review your interests. Student leadership will receive direction from the Artistic Coordinator and instruction and guidance from the faculty liaison.
**UPDATE** AUDITIONS for ON YOUR FEET! will be held at the school from May 21-23. All students interested in performing as a cast member must audition in each of the following calls:
Singing auditions will be held in the MAT on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 21-22, from 2:45 - 4:30 p.m. Prepare a 16-32 bar cut of a musical theatre song in the show's style, or choose a song by Gloria and Emilio Estefan. (about :45 seconds of a song) Students should bring clearly labeled and marked sheet music for the piano accompanist. Tracks are also accepted. Students are responsible to provide a portable speaker if the school equipment does not connect to their device. Auditions can be scheduled during flex or lunch on May 20. Mr. Miller will consider requests on a case by case basis.
Dance auditions will be in the Zero Floor Studios on Thursday, May 23, from 2:45 - 4:30 p.m. Please dress comfortably for movement.
Step 1) All students interested in a cast, band and crew role must complete the Student Interest Form before auditioning or by May 19.
Step 2) Singers and dancers must complete this audition form before auditioning.
ELIGIBILITY: Only students rising to the 10-12th grade in the 2024-25 school year are eligible to audition.
SUMMER INTENSIVE - Students are required to attend the two-week summer intensive held in the MAT from Monday to Thursday, July 29 - August 1, and August 5- 8. Each week will include learning choreography, music, and blocking. Schedule conflicts will be considered. 80% attendance is required.
Pegasus in the Wild
We don't want to miss an appearance or accomplishment! We rely on our guild members to let us know where to spot a Pegasus in the wild. If your child is in a non-Booker T production, please let us know. Our talented kids are so busy we need your eyes and ears to make sure we get the word out. Please include viewing dates, ticket links and any other details that will help us spot a Pegasus in the Wild. Alumni are Pegasi as well so keep those tips coming in too!!!
Please join the members of the BTW Theatre Conservatory Faculty in celebrating the class of 2024.
Tuesday May 21, 2024 6:30pm - 8:30pm in The Commons
All seniors in the Theatre Conservatory, including Musical Theatre and Film seniors, are invited to the awards dinner. Seniors may bring 2 parents or guardians. Unfortunately, due to space limitations, we do not have room for additional guests or siblings. Please reach out to Alicia Schortgen at if any senior needs to invite more than 2 adult parents/guardians, such as step-parents.
If you plan to attend with the maximum 2 guests, make sure that you RSVP for 3 total guests.
The Mediterranean dinner buffet will include vegetarian options and gluten-free options.
Students are not required to report to school for attendance this week. Final celebrations occur this week!
Tuesday, May 21
6:30pm Theater Conservatory Senior Dinner, Commons This is for seniors & 2 parents/guardians. Please RSVP using this link.
6:30pm Visual Arts Conservatory Senior Dinner, Hudson Gallery
Wednesday, May 22
11am-1pm Senior Party “Peace Out, High School," Southern Skates. Students are responsible for their own transportation. This free event is hosted by the PTSA and will feature a food truck, DJ, cookie cakes and prizes.
6:30pm Music Conservatory Senior Dinner, Hudson Gallery
6:30pm Dance Conservatory Senior Dinner, Zero Floor Studios
Thursday, May 23
8:30-10:30am Graduation Rehearsal (run-through), The Meyerson. Arrive dressed in your cap, gown and the shoes you plan to wear.
11 am Yearbook Signing Party, Location TBA. Yearbooks available for purchase of previous school years. Contact Mrs. K at
Friday, May 24
7 - 8:30pm Baccalaureate, First United Methodist Church. Keynote Speaker Yolonda Williams. Students arrive no later than 6pm and use the San Jacinto entrance. Parking is in the Bryan Tower Garage. No tickets are required. Seating is open, first come first seated. A reception will follow.
Saturday, May 25 - Graduation Day!
4 - 6pm Graduation Rehearsal (full), The Meyerson. Students only.
8 - 10pm Graduation Ceremony, The Meyerson.
Attire: Students arrive in nice attire with cap and gown. Caps are NOT allowed to be decorated.
Rehearsal: A full rehearsal will take place before the ceremony, providing students with a clear understanding of the proceedings. It's important to note that students will not be allowed to leave between the rehearsal and the ceremony. Pizza will be provided for seniors.
Tickets: Each student receives seven free general admission tickets. There is no assigned seating. Families are encouraged to arrive early and have plenty of time to find parking as seating is first come, first served. Students can submit a request for one additional ticket on this form.
For our new families, Pegasus Pick up is a day for students and families to pick up schedules, pay for lockers and parking spaces, order yearbooks, take ID photos and senior headshots, join the PTSA and guilds, and purchase merchandise. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend with their student.
Incoming 9th grade students are scheduled on Monday, July 29.
10-11th grade students are Tuesday, July 30.
Seniors are Wednesday, July 31.
All new and returning students must complete registration each year by June 14. Include your updated contact information to receive school communications over the summer. Login to
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard until you see two tabs for your student. Select the registration tab and follow the steps. Do not click on 'let's begin application' or 'let's begin registration.' Click here to see the district video for detailed instructions.
In preparation for summer maintenance and necessary repairs, all student laptops will be collected after students' 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th exams on May 23 and May 24.
Once students have completed their last exam, they will return their laptop to the exam proctor.
Please note the following important points:
Students who will be taking summer dual credit courses must physically bring their laptop to the library and check it out for the summer before the end of the school year. (Dual Credit list is provided by counselors.)
Laptops that are not returned will be locked, and the incident will be reported accordingly to the administration.
Students must return their laptop charger and computer bag on their last day.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact the school administration.
If you are the parent or guardian of a Theatre Conservatory student you are invited to join the individual class Facebook group for additional information & updates about everything that is going on at Booker T.
All Facebook groups are private and you will need to provide your BTW student's name and answer the questions in order for your request to join to be approved.