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Theatre Baby #2 Has Arrived!
Welcome Back, Pegasi!
While you were hopefully having a restful Spring Break, Mr. Miller and his wife Bri were beginning a period of no rest. They welcomed their first child on March 10. If interested, see below how you can support their newest arrival.
This week we have our March 19 general membership meeting after PTSA (about 7:00 p.m.) in the Black Box. Please join us for Theatre Conservatory announcements and information for anyone interested in possibly joining the Theatre Guild Board for next year.
In this edition, you will also find fantastic photos of Paul Baker plays, courtesy of Jackie Cooper. She is a superstar for documenting the Theatre Conservatory experience!
There will be plenty of volunteering opportunities as we roll into the fourth quarter of the school year. Keep an eye out for chances to Feed the Kids and help with concessions for the One Act Play Senior Directing Festival in April and the Mystery of Edwin Drood in May. There will also be events like I Am Booker T Day and the Theatre Guild Senior Awards Dinner. In addition to Theatre Guild opportunities, the school often needs parent volunteers to help out during the AP exam period coming up in May.
Paul Baker New Plays Festival
Thanks to Jackie Cooper, Adam Mora, Leah Mora & Rhonda Thompson for providing photos.
Coming Soon to the Black Box
April 3-5 and 10-12
Tickets are available now. All shows start at 6pm. The festival runs April 3-5 & 10-12 in the Brierley Experimental Theatre. If you want to see all twelve student directed one act plays, you should plan to come on three different nights to a Block A, B and C performance. Use this link to buy tickets online. Adults $10 Student $5
Pegasus in the Wild
We don't want to miss an appearance or accomplishment! We rely on our guild members to let us know where to spot a Pegasus in the wild. If your child is in a non-Booker T production, please let us know. Our talented kids are so busy we need your eyes and ears to make sure we get the word out. Please include viewing dates, ticket links and any other details that will help us spot a Pegasus in the Wild. Alumni are Pegasi as well so keep those tips coming in too!!!
On the first Saturday of Spring Break, the Booker T Mock Trial Team was named the Texas High School Mock Trial Champions for an incredible three times in the past four years. Lola Saldana (Visual 2025) placed second in the State among the Courtroom artists. In addition to the team honors, Erin Mansour (Theatre 2025) received a best witness nomination, meaning she was among the top witnesses in the State Tournament.
The State of Texas High School Mock Trial Competition began with 170 teams. Only 24 teams advanced to the State Tournament held in Dallas March 8 & 9. Booker T was undefeated--winning every round in the DISD Regional competition before advancing to State and doing the same.
At the State Tournament, Booker T competed in a total of six rounds over two days in a grueling schedule. The Final round was Booker T as the Plaintiff against Frisco CTE as the Defendant. The 2023-24 team included returning students Eryn Anum (Theatre 2025), Audrey Buehler (Theatre 2025), Molly Chakery (Theatre 2024), Isabel Gameros (Theatre 2024), Olivia Lang (Theatre 2025), Maxine Louthan (Theatre 2025), and Erin Mansour (Theatre 2025). First time team members include Miranda Churchill (Theatre 2025), Ellie Oddo (Visual 2026), Abigail Smith (Theatre 2027) and courtroom artist Lola Saldana (Visual 2025). The 2024 team's lawyer advisors are Abby Mathews and Bill Gameros who were joined at the Tournament by Booker T's longtime advisor & enrichment teacher Satchel Victory and new faculty advisor Maddie Fulton.
The Booker T Mock Trial team will represent the State of Texas in the National High School Mock Trial Championship in Wilmington, Delaware in May.
Stage West Neighborhood Play Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of Stage West’s annual Neighborhood Play Contest who’s works will be fully produced on the professional stage, starring local actors ages 8-18. Stage West received 446 monologues, scenes, and plays from North Texas students. This year seven Booker T. Theatre students were recognized among the 2023-24 Finalists including juniors Jack Honeyman, Diego Nazario and Viviana Santiago; as well as seniors Isabel Gameros, Audrey Hunter, Campbell Smith and Olivia Stanley. Six Booker T students went on to be named as 2023-24 Winners. You can see the winning students’ monologues, scenes and plays during the three-night festival from May 6-8, 2024. Shows will be at 6 and 8 pm every night and tickets go on sale April 1 for $5.
8th-12th Grade Winners Scenes and Long Monologues (2-6 minutes) 11th Grade “Interviewing Nobody” by Diego Nazario 12th Grade ”Clowns and Wormholes” by Campbell Smith
Short Plays (Up to 10 minutes) 11th Grade “The Beginning Meets The End” by Jack Honeyman 12th Grade “We Can Be Dead Forever or Live Right Now” by Audrey Hunter “Intestinal Inseams” by Olivia Stanley “To Keep You” by Olivia Stanley
Honorable Mentions 12th Grade “Anything and Everything” by Campbell Smith “The Smoker” by Isabel Gameros “This is Home” by Olivia Stanley “Cheese Man and American Woman” by Audrey Hunter
School Zone Dallas
Not only can you spot Callie Woodchek (2025) in DISD's television program School Zone Dallas, you can learn about the variety of opportunities that DISD offers students across the district. If you missed episode 5 on WFAA, you can still watch on YouTube.
Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors
If you are the parent or guardian of a Theatre Conservatory student you are invited to join the individual class Facebook group for additional information & updates about everything that is going on at Booker T.
All Facebook groups are private and you will need to provide your BTW student's name and answer the questions in order for your request to join to be approved.
Choose Your Own Adventure: Spring Semester
Upcoming Events (from PTSA newsletter)
You can keep up with all the Senior activities by checking the calendar in the Senior Cafeteria and stay even more up-to-date by using the senior class webpage.
Wednesday April 4 at 12:15 pm, Senior Panorama Photo (NEW DATE)
Saturday, May 11, Prom at Gilley's
Friday, May 17: Senior Breakfast at Sammy's 2126 Leonard St, Dallas, TX 75201 at 8:30am (seniors only)
Friday, May 17, Senior Awards Presentation, 6 pm (open to students & parents)
Tuesday, May 21: Theatre & Visual Arts Conservatory Award Dinners 6pm
Wednesday, May 22: Dance & Music Conservatory Award Dinners 6pm
Call for artwork! Senior students can submit a Pegasus logo design through the PTSA website for a chance to be featured on the 2024 Baccalaureate program. Deadline for submissions is March 31st!
The OK2BX Foundation was created in honor of Eleanor Bolding who exemplified inclusivity in her daily life. The OK2BX mission is to promote diversity and inclusion. One way that this is accomplished is by awarding scholarships to extraordinary high school students who show active leadership in the areas of diversity, inclusion and kindness.
The Advisory Board Senior Scholarship application allows you to apply for all AB scholarships you are eligible for in one application. Most scholarships fund tuition, room and board, books and other supplies. Scholarships are paid directly to the recipient's school. Recipients will be announced at the Senior Awards Ceremony in May. The deadline to apply is April 16 at 11:59pm (CST)
Communities Foundation of Texas Scholarship Opportunity
The Giana Foundation Scholarship awards one-year scholarships of up to $5,000 to graduating seniors of public high schools in Dallas, Collin, or Denton County. Awards support students pursuing a degree in Visual and/or Performing Arts.
The deadline to apply is April 1, 2024! Learn more about eligibility requirements and selection criteria at: has more than 45 scholarship funds that awarded $1.5+ million in 2023. Explore scholarship opportunities at:
Scholarship application deadlines range from March 1 to May 1.
College Counselor Corner
Alexandra Clayton is the on campus college counselor from the community based organization Academic Success Program (ASP).
If you, or your senior, have any questions or want to know the most up to date information reach out to Ms Clayton at