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Silent Theatre
Before coming to Booker T as a parent, I didn't know anything about Mime other than what you would stereotypically picture. When I went to my first Mime Troupe show, though, my knowledge expanded and I was mesmerized by sitting quietly, watching the expressiveness of the actors on stage and the detail with which they worked to tell their story. Buy yourself a ticket and treat yourself to that same experience Wednesday through Saturday in the black box.
And you know the drill... we could use your help this week so please volunteer your time or your concessions to support our Conservatory. Sign up below!
Please also add our next general meeting to your calendar: Tuesday, February 13 after the PTSA meeting. We want to see you there and get to know you better!
We don't want to miss an appearance or accomplishment! We rely on our guild members to let us know where to spot a Pegasus in the wild. If your child is in a non-Booker T production, please let us know. Our talented kids are so busy we need your eyes and ears to make sure we get the word out. Please include viewing dates, ticket links and any other details that will help us spot a Pegasus in the Wild. Alumni are Pegasi as well so keep those tips coming in too!!!
Maxine Louthan is advancing to the Texas State Finals for the 3rd year in a row! On February 23rd, she will be performing at the State Capitol. Poetry Out Loud is a national arts education program that encourages the study of great poetry by offering free educational materials and a dynamic recitation competition for high school students across the country. The state finalists perform three memorized poems for an audience to be scored by judges.
I Am Delivered'T Premiers in Dallas
Booker T alum Jonathan Norton's play I Am Deilvered'T is currently onstage at the Kalita Humphrey Theater through February 18. The play is a co-production between the Dallas Theater Center and the Actors Theatre of Louisville. Following it's February premiere in Dallas, the show will open in Louisville, KY in March. Norton's play addresses the increasingly contentious relationship that has developed between established Christian churches and their LGBTQ members in his comedy set in a church parking lot. Tickets for the Dallas Theatre Center production are available using this link.
If you are the parent or guardian of a Theatre Conservatory student you are invited to join the individual class Facebook group for additional information & updates about everything that is going on at Booker T.
All Facebook groups are private and you will need to provide your BTW student's name and answer the questions in order for your request to join to be approved.
Choose Your Own Adventure: Spring Semester
Upcoming Events (from PTSA newsletter)
You can stay up to date by checking the calendar in the Senior Cafeteria and stay even more up-to-date by using the senior class webpage.
Saturday, May 11, Prom
Friday, May 17: Senior Breakfast at Sammy's 2126 Leonard St, Dallas, TX 75201 at 8:30am (seniors only)
Friday, May 17, Senior Awards Presentation, 6 pm (open to students & parents)
Tuesday, May 21: Theatre & Visual Arts Conservatory Award Dinners 6pm
Wednesday, May 22: Dance & Music Conservatory Award Dinners 6pm
The next Coffee Talk with Principal Williams will be at 12:40 p.m. on Wednesday, February 7. All are welcome but please RSVP by Monday, February 5 so the PTSA committee can plan a light lunch. Link to RSVP